
version 2024.04.05, developed by

This page constructs kml files using csv or txt input.


  1. Copy your comma separated (csv) or tab delimited (txt/tsv) values into the input feild. Do NOT include commas or tabs within values as these will be interpreted as value delineations.
  2. Markers must include lat and lng attributes. Lines without valid lat and lng will be omitted from kml. Markers may also include any of the following attributes: name, desc, and color.
  3. Headings are essential! The first line in the 'input' field is used to organize data. Include any attributes used in the csv in the heading line. Any order of headings and data may be used, but the order of headings MUST match the order of csv data. Do NOT include headings for attributes not present in your csv unless commas are present to delineate absent values. Any heading entries consistent with the examples below are acceptable.
    • name,desc,color,lat,lng
    • name,lat,lng
    • name,lat,lng,color
    • lat,lng
    • lng,name,lat,color,desc
  4. Use the 'file name', and 'file desc' feilds to set the values for the kml file as a whole. If name or desc are not present in your csv, these file values will also be used for markers. If individual colors are not present in your csv, use the 'file color' to set the color for markers. The example below summarizes data input using all headers.
    • name, desc, color, lat, lng
    • Point 1, This is point 1., blue, 34.077, -80.961
    • Point 2, This is point 2., blue, 34.081, -80.967
    • Point 3, This point is red., red, 34.089, -80.957
    • Point 4, This point will match the file color., , 34.088, -80.956
    • No desc, , white, 34.087, -80.955
    • , This name for this point is inherited., green, 34.086, -80.954
  5. Click the 'make' button. The 'log' feild will note any errors or omissions.
  6. Once the 'kml complete' message is displayed, click the 'copy to clipboard' button. Then, paste the kml into a fresh notepad, txt, or code editor. Finally, save your file with the extension kml. Example: mykmlfile.kml


file info

file name
file desc
file color


complete? not complete


